DESCRIPTION The registration of outgoing calls made from the rooms is given through the PMS and/or pmslink’s tools or third parties solutions: Set / cancellation via the PMS and/or pmslink tools. Assess the volume of telephone consumption by guests to design rates,...
DESCRIPTION Through management of automated calls to the rooms, the reminder and/or wake-up functionality is provided, which is extremely useful in the case of alerts for important situations (flight departures, activities, group management, etc.). This functionality...
DESCRIPTION Through the control of internal calls made by the guests to the hotel’s internal services, it is possible to give: Attend missed calls, able to call them back. To evaluate the quality of the guest service with statistical information. Assess the volume of...
DESCRIPTION It adapts to the APIs and/or interfaces available in the PMS system and its certification processes, facilitating the incorporation of new systems, without additional costs for those of massive distribution. INFORMATION FROM PBX TO CHAR PMSLINK Envio...
DESCRIPTION Restrict or limit the scope of outgoing calls made from unoccupied rooms or for guest profiles deemed appropriate, based on age or credit. At the time of a guest arrival (checkin), calls will be allowed or restricted as appropriate, and outgoing calls will...