Wildix Cloud VoIP PBX integration
Integration with Wildix VoIP PBX to allow the integration with hundred of PMS systems.

Integration with Wildix VoIP PBX.
Wildix PBX is available as Physical or Virtual appliance or in the Cloud.
char has been certified by Wildix to integrate the Wildix Cloud VoIP systems for a full compatibility with hundred of PMS systems, including Oracle Opera, Protel, Sihot, … and more than 150 PMS already integrated by char pmslink.
char integration provides:
- Call Accounting
- Check In
- Check Out
- Room Move
- Room Update
- Room Status
- Reminders
- Guest name on Reception phone’s display
- Minibar charges
Wildix News: https://www.wildix.com/char-pmslink/
For more information about the Wildix VoIP PBX system, contact: https://www.wildix.com/contacts/
If you have any doubt, please contact us:
About Wildix
Wildix PBX is available as Physical or Virtual appliance or in the Cloud.
Wildix software is fully integrated into the hardware which helps to avoid problems related to third-party products integration.
Wildix VoIP PBX is a reliable communication system for small or large business, it is scalable, flexible and it easily adapts to the needs of any company.
All the Wildix Unified Communications features are available also in the cloud. Cloud PBXs are activated with one click via the management interface.
You can add a physical on-premise PBX for failover.