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ENG – char pmslink Installation Process

The contracting of the installation of a char system, regardless of how it is acquired (purchase of licence or subscription fee ) involves coordinating a process that facilitates the parties involved in the work to be carried out and makes it possible to set a date for its execution.

1. Data request and installation date.

  • char’s technical department, within a maximum period of seven calendar days, will communicate with the technical contact provided for the process, indicating what is necessary and requesting the data that will allow the installation to be carried out and the systems to be integrated.
  • At that time, a target installation date will be proposed, on which a precise date will be set in coordination with all parties.
  • On that date, the necessary data must be available, as well as the interfaces of the equipment and systems to be integrated as necessary and as requested in accordance with the previous point.

2. Installation conditions.

  • If it is not possible to have everything necessary to carry out the installation on the committed date, an attempt will be made to reschedule as far in advance as possible.
  • If the installation date arrives and ALL the necessary items are not available, the installation will be rescheduled. PARTIAL INSTALLATIONS WILL NOT BE CARRIED OUT.
  • If, for reasons beyond char’s control, the installation cannot be carried out within a maximum period of 45 calendar days from the date of contracting, it will be cancelled and the related supply order will be cancelled.

3. Installation.

  • On the scheduled day and having everything necessary, the installation and start-up of the acquired system will be carried out, including the necessary tests. At this point, the installation will move on to the monitoring phase.

4. Follow-up.

  • The monitoring phase shall be one calendar week from the day of installation. During this phase, the necessary checks shall be carried out at intervals deemed appropriate to validate the correct operation of the installation carried out.

5. Completion and technical support.

  • In any case, once the monitoring phase has been completed, the installation will be considered to have been handed over even if there are incidents on the part of the integrated equipment. The attention of these possible incidents will be carried out within the technical support service of the system, in the same way as the attention of those that may arise in the future.
  • The delivery of the installation will entail the invoicing of the acquired system.
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