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1. char pmslink HTTPCNX BASIC API


Corrections in examples.

MD5 examples fixed.

New version of Specification’s document.


char pmslink is an intelligent middleware that allows the integration of different devices and hotel systems (PBX, TV, Hotspot, multimedia, home automation, app guest access, minibar, etc.) with the property management system (PMS):

This integration does not only transform links and protocols in order to connect every system. It goes further and adds intelligence to those connections, controlling its status, providing traceability, managing buffers, adapts the default values of each single system and uses a single PMS interface in order to integrate all the devices and systems connected to it.

char pmslink adapts itself to any architecture, supports any kind of system such as cloud, remote, locals, mono-hotel, multi hotel, etc.

On the other hand, it also makes easier the integration between all the systems/devices connected between themselves. For example, setting up a wakeup call using the TV system or a guest App, it is done on the PABX and notifies the PMS system.

This document includes all the specifications in order to integrate char pmslink, using its API HTTPCNX GUEST BASIC, by linking to a HTTP server and exchanging data in JSON format.

The integration is done according to the needs of each integrated system:

Transmitting to the integrated system hotel occupancy events (PMS -> Integrated systems):

  • CHECKIN, guest’s arrival.
  • UPDATE, modification of guest’s data.
  • MOVE, guest room change.
  • CHECKOUT, guest’s departure.

Providing guest data and their stay information.

Transmitting to the integrated system actions to be done (PMS -> Integrated systems):

  • Class of Service assignation/profile for PABX, Hotspot, etc.
  • Programing / cancelling wake up calls.
  • Activation / deactivation of Do Not Disturb option (DND).
  • Activation / deactivation for message on hold indicator.
  • Hotel message to the guest.

Transmitting to the integrated system data regarding the stay/hotel occupancy status (PMS ->Integrated system):

  • Cleaning room status and room availability.
  • Hotel messages for the guest.

Sent to PMS (Integrated system -> PMS):

  • Possible charges linked to the integrated system such as phone calls, minibar, TV, internet, etc.
  • Notification of room status.
  • Hotel messages for the guest.

The integration through char pmslink supplies the integrated system a common interface that allows the integration of any PMS. However, any particularities and limitations of each PMS depending on its functionality and data provided, needs to be taken in account. 

The data exchanged will depend on the following points:

  • Data provided by each PMS according with the various interfaces active from the PMS.
  • Data provided by the interface(s) active on the hotel. 
  • Data that the hotel allows to share with third parties.

Besides these basic functionalities, the use of the extended version of this API is possible, always depending on the PMS interfaces available:

  • Obtain information about the guest invoice and allow the express checkout action. These actions are critical on its time of request and reply, for that reason they require an additional connection with the char pmslink’s HTTP server or via WebSocket.
  • Obtain information about bookings, preferences, room companions, etc
  • It is possible to integrate with other PMS tools or from third parties that manage guest requests, housekeeping management, etc. 

In general terms, it is possible to expand this API in cases that it is required, and the PMS system supports the functionality or provides the needed information.

Development process, testing, certification and realease

This API is considered as public domain, but its use is restricted to char pmslink integrations and can’t be allowed its use for direct integration with other systems.

Char does not apply any economical charge to the system that creates the integration with char pmslink using this API.

The basic steps in order to create the integration are the following ones:

  • The candidate to integrate with char pmslink should contact in order to start the process and obtain more extended information about the process itself and formalize a technical agreement.
  • Once the interface needed by the system willing to integrate has been developed, char will configure a custom driver according to the settings, adjustments and functionalities implemented.
  • Using the first driver version, coordinated tests will be done in order to validate the final driver and its documentation.
  • Once validated, it will be considered as an integrated system for all intents and purposes, being released to public, including it in the integrated systems’ list and notifying through the common news channels. The integrated system will be able to publish and advertise at its will the integration and the additional value that provides the integration itself.

Once the previous steps are done, char will have a fluid relationship with the integrated system in order to solve possible issues with its installations, adjustments and updating its functionalities in the cases that is needed.

Data flow and basic functionalities

During the guest arrival, when the room is going to be occupied, char pmslink will inform the integrated systems about the event using Action checkin, providing the guest data of the main guest and other additional information about their stay. 

The integrated system will use this event to manage according to its needs, saving guest and occupation data for immediate or future actions such as: System activations, functions and permissions, welcome messages, customization, specific configurations, etc.

In the case of guest data modification/changes or regarding their stay it will be notified using the event called Action update, providing the guest data/stay that change with the updated values.

In the case of a room change, it will be notified using Action move, providing the original room and the new destination room. The integrated system must manage this room change according to its needs. IMPORTANT: In certain installations, the PMS system may manage this change using the sequence “checkout for the origin room – checkin for destination room”.

During the guest’s stay:

The integrated system will be able to receive action requests by PMS’ side:

  • Setting up/ deactivating wake up services via Action wake.
  • Setting up/ deactivating ‘Do Not Disturb (DND)’ status via Action DND.
  • Transmitting Class of Service changes for systems such as PABX, TV, HOTSPOT, etc. via Action COS.
  • Setting up/ deactivating the indicator for waiting message via Action WMSG.
  • Sending messages to guests via Action MSGTXT.

The integrated systems can request actions and/or send data to the PMS:

In order to work properly, it must maintain a message/action queue that will be requested by char pmslink on defined time intervals using Action GET SMDR. Once sent as reply (by char pmslink), the integrated system will delete that message/action from its queue. 

Using this method, the integrated system will be able to send information to the PMS (or other hotel devices):

  • Phone calls data and information.
  • Minibar, internet, TV charges.
  • Room status codes.
  • Wake up Service data: setting up/cancellation/confirmation/failure.
  • Activation/Deactivation for ‘Do Not Disturb’.
  • Guest messages to hotel.

At the end, when the guest leaves the occupied room:

It will be informed using the event called action checkout.

Connection Methods

pmslink through HTTPCNX GUEST BASIC will link with the integrated system server/servers using HTTP/HTTPS.


The destination URL can be:

Data formatting:

JSON is the recommended data format, however it can be configured and using XML. On this document, all the examples shown will be using JSON format. 

The numerical formatting will be using ‘integer’ + separation (‘.’) + ‘decimal’ using two digits.  Example: 123.50

Date values will be expressed in String YYYYMMDDHHNNSS and will refer to the local time (and time zone) for each installation. Ex: 01/01/2019 at 10:30 = 20190101103000.

The language codes used will be the ones according to ISO 639-1.


There are two possibilities:

  • SIMPLE: authentication done using an agreed token between the pmslink and the integrated system: Example: 12345-12345-12345-12345
  • MD5: the authentication will be done using an encrypted token using MD5 algorithm generated using User + date-time value (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS) + password for each request.  Example: User ‘user1’, date ‘20150101101112’, password ‘password1’ = MD5(user120150101101112password1) =  61e7c7371170a948eaf63fa578840025.

Password is an internal value, agreed as general use or unique on each installation but not sent as data.

HTTP commands:

All the request will be done using POST commands in all cases:

  • Communicate actions to the integrated system server (checkin, checkout, RS, etc.).
  • Request data to the integrated system server (GET SMDR).

Confirmations and replies:

The control regarding the action execution and the requests sent will be done using HTTP standard codes:

  • 200 – OK.
  • 400 – Bad Request. – The information cannot be processed due to a syntax error.
  • 401 – Unauthorized. –  Authentication error.
  • 403- Forbidden. –  Error with the data received.
  • 500 – Internal Server Error. –  Process cannot be done due to an internal error.

Connection control:

char pmslink will keep a buffer (FIFO method) as a queue for pending information to be sent in the following cases:

  • Physical linking errors with the integrated system server.
  • Actions that return the following codes: 400, 401 and/or 500. Those are addressed as one-time errors. Which will be assumed that will be recovered by the server or settings adjustments that will allow the process.

In case of connection errors, char pmslink will retry to resend in a programmed frequency all the information on that queue.

PMS > Integrated System

Checkin Action

Sent by the PMS through char pmslink to the integrated systems during the guest’s arrival.

Date –TimeYESStringdatetimeDate-Time requirement (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)
UserYESStringuserUser. Only mandatory if MD5 authentication is used.
AuthenticationYESStringusertokenAccording to the method chosen – fixed or MD5.
ActionYESStringCHKIObject containing guest data and its stay
Hotel(YES)StringhotelidHotel’s ID for each installation. Mandatory on multi – hotel scenarios.
RoomYESStringroomRoom ID.
Guest’s nameStringnameGuest’s name
Guest’s surnameStringsurnameGuest’s surname
LanguageStringlanguageLanguage code (ISO 639-1)
e-mailStringemailGuest’s email address
Phone numberStringphoneGuest’s phone no.
Allows contactBooleanacontactAllows contact (true – false)
Guest categoryStringvipcodeGuest’s ID service level 
Arrival DateStringdateinArrival Date and Time using the format YYYYMMDDHHNNSS
Departure DateStringdateoutDeparture Date and Time using the format YYYYMMDDHHNNSS
CreditNumericalcreditMaximum consumption amount. 0 is not allowed.
Room cleaning statusStringroomstatusC = cleanD = dirtyI = inspected

JSON Example

    "datetime" : "20150101101112",
    "user" : "user1",
    "usertoken" : "61e7c7371170a948eaf63fa578840025",
    "CHKI": { 
                "hotelid": "myhotel",
                "room": "101",
                "name": "John",
                "surname": "Doe",
                "language": "EN",
                "vipcode": "3",
                "datein": "20150101101112",
                "dateout": ""20150102120000",
                "roomstatus": "D"  

Update Action

Sent by the PMS through char pmslink to the integrated systems during a guest data modification.

Date –TimeYESStringdatetimeDate-Time requirement (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)
User(YES)StringuserUser. Only mandatory if MD5 authentication is used.
AuthenticationYESStringusertokenAccording to the method chosen – fixed or MD5.
ActionYESStringUPDATEObject containing stay and guest data
Hotel(YES)StringhotelidHotel’s ID for each installation. Mandatory on multi – hotel scenarios.
RoomYESStringroomRoom ID.
Guest’s nameStringnameGuest’s name
Guest’s surnameStringsurnameGuest’s surname
LanguageStringlanguageLanguage code (ISO 639-1)
e-mailStringemailGuest’s email address
Phone numberStringphoneGuest’s phone no.
Allows contactBooleanacontactAllows contact (true – false)
Guest categoryStringvipcodeGuest’s ID service level
Arrival DateStringdateinArrival Date & Time using the format YYYYMMDDHHNNSS
Departure DateStringdateoutDeparture Date & Time using the format YYYYMMDDHHNNSS
CreditNumericalcreditMaximum consumption amount. 0 is not allowed.
Room cleaning statusStringroomstatusC = cleanD = dirtyI = inspected

JSON Example

    "datetime" : "20150101101112",
    "user" : "user1",
    "usertoken" : "61e7c7371170a948eaf63fa578840025",
    "UPDATE":   { 
                    "hotelid": "myhotel",
                    "room": "101",
                    "name": "John",
                    "surname": "Doe",
                    "language": "EN",
                    "datein": "20150101101112",
                    "dateout": ""20150102120000",
                    "roomstatus": "D"    

Move Action

Sent by the PMS through char pmslink to the integrated systems during a room change.

Date – TimeYESStringdatetimeDate-Time requirement (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)
User(YES)StringuserUser. Only mandatory if MD5 authentication is used.
AuthenticationYESStringusertokenAccording to the method chosen – fixed or MD5.
ActionYESStringMOVEObject containing MOVE ACTION data.
Hotel(YES)StringhotelidHotel’s ID for each installation. Mandatory on multi – hotel scenarios.
Origin roomYESStringroomOrigin room ID.
Destination roomYESStringdestinationDestination room ID.

JSON Example

    "datetime" : "20150101101112",
    "user" : "user1",
    "usertoken" : "61e7c7371170a948eaf63fa578840025",
    "MOVE":    { 
                    "hotelid": "myhotel",
                    "room": "101",
                    "destination": "203"

Checkout Action

Sent by the PMS through char pmslink to the integrated systems at guest’s departure.

Date – TimeYESStringdatetimeDate-Time requirement (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)
User(YES)StringuserUser. Only Mandatory if MD5 authentication is used.
AuthenticationYESStringusertokenAccording to the method chosen – fix or MD5.
ActionYESStringCHKOObject containing CHECKOUT ACTION data.
Hotel(YES)StringhotelidHotel’s ID for each installation. Mandatory on multi – hotel scenarios.
RoomYESStringroomRoom ID.
Cleaning statusStringroomstatusC = cleanD = dirtyI = inspected

JSON Example

    "datetime" : "20150101101112",
    "user" : "user1",
    "usertoken" : "61e7c7371170a948eaf63fa578840025",
    "CHKO":    { 
                    "hotelid": "myhotel",
                    "room": "101",
                    "roomstatus": "D"

Room Status Action

Sent by the PMS through char pmslink to the integrated systems during a room change.

Date – TimeYESStringdatetimeDate-Time requirement (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)
User(YES)StringuserUser. Only mandatory if MD5 authentication is used.
AuthenticationYESStringusertokenAccording to the method chosen – fixed or MD5.
ActionYESStringRSObject containing ROOM STATUS ACTION data.
Hotel(YES)StringhotelidHotel’s ID for each installation. Mandatory on multi – hotel scenarios.
RoomYESStringroomRoom ID.
Cleaning statusYESStringroomstatusC = cleanD = dirtyI = inspected
Worker/MaidStringmaidWorker/Maid ID code.

JSON Example

    "datetime" : "20150101101112",
     "user" : "user1",
     "usertoken" : "61e7c7371170a948eaf63fa578840025",
    "RS":   { 
                "hotelid": "myhotel",
                "room": "101",
                "roomstatus": "C"
                "maid": "123"

COS Action

Sent by the PMS through char pmslink to the integrated systems in order to apply a Class Of Service.

COS action is different on each device. For example, on PABX systems it can restrict or allow calls, on TV systems can block or allow on-demand or even age restriction to TV channels, on Wi-Fi hotspots can limit the broadband available, etc.

Date – TimeYESStringdatetimeDate-Time requirement (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)
User(YES)StringuserUser. Only mandatory if MD5 authentication is used.
AuthenticationYESStringusertokenAccording to the method chosen – fixed or MD5.
ActionYESStringCOSObject containing COS ACTION data.
Hotel(YES)StringhotelidHotel’s ID for each installation. Mandatory on multi – hotel scenarios.
RoomYESStringroomRoom ID.
PBX Class of serviceYESStringpbxcosClass of Service coordinated with PABX system.
TV Class of serviceYESStringtvcosClass of Service coordinated with TV system.
HOTSPOT Class of serviceYESStringinetcosClass of Service coordinated with HOTSPOT system.

JSON Example

    "datetime" : "20150101101112",
     "user" : "user1",
     "usertoken" : "61e7c7371170a948eaf63fa578840025",
    "COS":  { 
                "hotelid": "myhotel",
                "room": "101",
                "pbxcos": "3"

DND Action

Sent by the PMS through char pmslink to the integrated systems indicating that the guest would like/would not like to receive communications from outside the hotel (for example phone calls).

Date – TimeYESStringdatetimeDate-Time requirement (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)
User(YES)StringuserUser. Only mandatory if MD5 authentication is used.
AuthenticationYESStringusertokenAccording to the method chosen – fixed or MD5.
ActionYESStringDNDObject containing DND ACTION data.
Hotel(YES)StringhotelidHotel’s ID for each installation. Mandatory on multi – hotel scenarios.
RoomYESStringroomRoom ID.
Do Not Disturb statusYESBooleanactiveActivated / Deactivated (true / false).

JSON Example

    "datetime" : "20150101101112",
     "user" : "user1",
     "usertoken" : "61e7c7371170a948eaf63fa578840025",
    "DND":  { 
                "hotelid": "myhotel",
                "room": "101",
                "active": true

WMSG Action

Sent by the PMS through char pmslink to the integrated systems reporting that there are messages to be transmitted/sent by the guest (indicators for voicemail, TV, multimedia systems, etc.).

Date – TimeYESStringdatetimeDate-Time requirement (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)
User(YES)StringuserUser. Only mandatory if MD5 authentication is used.
AuthenticationYESStringusertokenAccording to the method chosen – fixed or MD5.
ActionYESStringWMSGObject containing WMSG ACTION data.
Hotel(YES)StringhotelidHotel’s ID for each installation. Mandatory on multi – hotel scenarios.
RoomYESStringroomRoom ID.
Waiting message statusYESBooleanactiveActivated / Deactivated (true / false).

JSON Example

    "datetime" : "20150101101112",
     "user" : "user1",
     "usertoken" : "61e7c7371170a948eaf63fa578840025",
    "WMSG":  { 
                "hotelid": "myhotel",
                "room": "101",
                "active": true

Wake Action

Sent by the PMS through char pmslink to the integrated systems in order to setup/cancel a wakeup call.

Date – TimeYESStringdatetimeDate-Time requirement (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)
User(YES)StringuserUser. Only Mandatory if MD5 authentication is used.
AuthenticationYESStringusertokenAccording to the method chosen – fixed or MD5.
ActionYESStringWAKEObject containing WAKE ACTION data.
Hotel(YES)StringhotelidHotel’s ID for each installation. Mandatory on multi – hotel scenarios.
RoomYESStringroomRoom ID.
Type of actionYESS: Setting up
C: Cancellation
IDStringuidWake up unique ID.
Wake up timeYESStringwaketimeWake up date-time (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)

JSON Example

    "datetime" : "20150101101112",
     "user" : "user1",
     "usertoken" : "61e7c7371170a948eaf63fa578840025",
    "WAKE":  { 
                "hotelid": "myhotel",
                "room": "101",
                "uid": "12345",
                "waketime" : "20150102080000"


Sent by the PMS through char pmslink to the integrated systems to transmit messages to the guest using TV systems, multimedia devices, guest’s app, etc.

Date – TimeYESStringdatetimeDate-Time requirement (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)
User(YES)StringuserUser. Only mandatory if MD5 authentication is used.
AuthenticationYESStringusertokenAccording to the method chosen – fixed or MD5.
ActionYESStringMSGTXTObject containing MSGTXT ACTION data.
Hotel(YES)StringhotelidHotel’s ID for each installation. Mandatory on multi – hotel scenarios.
RoomYESStringroomRoom ID.
IDStringuidMessage unique ID
MessageYESStringtextText message

JSON Example

     “datetime” : “20150101101112”,
     “user” : “user1”,
     “usertoken” : “61e7c7371170a948eaf63fa578840025”,
     “MSGTXT”: { 
                  “hotelid”: “myhotel”,
                  “room”: “101”,
                  “uid”: 12345,
                  “text” : “Welcome to the hotel”


Sent by char pmslink as request to the integrated system regarding pending actions and data to be sent to the PMS (stored on queue such as phone calls, charges, status, messages, etc.).

In the case of having messages to be processed, the integrated system will provide (maximum) 100 messages per request and will delete them from its queue list.

In the case of having and empty list, it will confirm the processing using the code HTTP 200 (OK) without including data into the reply.

Date – TimeYESStringdatetimeDate-Time requirement (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)
User(YES)StringuserUser. Only mandatory if MD5 authentication is used.
AuthenticationYESStringusertokenAccording to the method chosen – fixed or MD5.
ActionYESStringGETSMDRObject containing GETSMDR ACTION data.
Hotel(YES)StringhotelidHotel’s ID for each installation. Mandatory on multi – hotel scenarios.
Registry listYESStringSMDRLISTAction and data Array
Registry typeYESStringsmdrtypeC: Phone call
P: Charge
S: Room status code
W: Wake up message
D: Do Not Disturb status
G: Guest message
Date – TimeYESStringdatetimeDate-Time requirement (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)
RoomYESStringroomAction involved room

Data and structure will depend according to the Data Type

JSON Example


    "datetime" : "20150101101112",
     "user" : "user1",
     "usertoken" : "61e7c7371170a948eaf63fa578840025",
    "GETSMDR":  { 
                    "hotelid": "myhotel"


     “SMDRLIST: [
                        “smdrtype : “C,
                        “datetime : “20150101101112,
                        “room: “101

                         (* Data and structure will depend according the charge type)


Integrated System > PMS

Phone Call Data

Phone call data and structure (for charging and/or communication’s registry) received as part of the reply for Action GETSMDR.

Phone call typeYESStringcalltypeO: Outgoing call
I: I Incoming call
L: Internal outgoing call
LineStringphonelineType of Phone’s link used
Number YESStringphonenumberDestination / origin phone number
Reply timeNumericalresponsetimeResponse time (in seconds)
Call durationYESNumericaldurationCall duration (0 = not answered)
Call accounting unitsNumericalunitsCharge units (outgoing call)
Phone call costNumericalpricePhone call cost (outgoing call)In case of no “charge units” it is calculated with the call duration and the phone number destination.

JSON Example

     "SMDRLIST": [
                        "smdrtype" : "C",
                        "datetime" : "20150101101112",
                        "room": "101"
                        "calltype" : "O",
                        "phoneline" : "sip-12345",
                        "phonenumber" : "5555555",
                        "responsetime": 3
                        "duration": 12

Charge Data

Charge and structure (for Minibar, Tv, Internet, etc.) received as part of the reply for Action GETSMDR.

Charge typeYESStringposttypeM: Minibar
T: TV / video
I: Internet
-: Other (to be defined)
ArticleYESStringarticleArticle code
DescriptionStringdescriptionArticle description
UnitsYESNumericalunitsArticle units
Article price(YES)NumericalpricePrice (including taxes) per unit. Mandatory if total charge amount cannot be sent.
Total charge amount(YES)NumericalamountTotal charge amount, taxes included.
Tax typeStringtaxTax type code according to PMS’ codifications. 

JSON Example

     "SMDRLIST": [
                        "smdrtype" : "P",
                        "datetime" : "20150101101112",
                        "room": "101",
                        "posttype" :"M",
                        "article": "CC",
                        "description": "Coca Cola",
                        "units": 1,
                        "amount": 2.50,
                        "tax": "23"

Room Status Data

Room status data and structure received as part of the reply for Action GETSMDR.

Cleaning statusYESStringroomstatusRoom status code
Worker/MaidStringmaidWorker/Maid ID code.

JSON Example

     "SMDRLIST": [
                        "smdrtype" : "S",
                        "datetime" : "20150101101112",
                        "room": "101"
                        "roomstatus": "3",
                        "maid": "123",

Wake Up Data

Wake Up data and structure received as part of the reply for Action GETSMDR.

Message typeYESStringwaketypeS: Setting up
C: Cancellation
E: Confirmation
F: Not answered/failure
IDYESStringuidWake up unique ID.
Wake Up TimeYESStringwaketimeWake up Date-Time (YYYYMMDDHHNNSS)

JSON Example

     "SMDRLIST": [
                        "smdrtype" : "W",
                        "datetime" : "20150101101112",
                        "room" : "101",
                        "waketype" : "E",
                        "uid": "1234567890",
                        "waketime":  "20150102080000"


Do Not Disturb (DND) data and structure received as part of the reply for Action GETSMDR.

Do Not Disturb statusYESBooleanactiveActivated / deactivated (true / false).

JSON Example

     "SMDRLIST": [
                        "smdrtype" : "D",
                        "datetime" : "20150101101112",
                        "room": "101",
                        "active": false

Guest Message Data

Guest message data and structure received as part of the reply for Action GETSMDR.

IDStringuidMessage unique ID.
MessageYESStringtextText message

JSON Example

     "SMDRLIST": [
                        "smdrtype" : "G",
                        "datetime" : "20150101101112",
                        "room": "101",
                        "text": "I need help with suitcases"


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