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ENG – How to obtain the license number


1. Open the application

Open the application “pmslink monitor” (Start / char PMS link / Monitor PMS link)

You can also use the ‘Find’ tool to search PMS link monitor.

IMPORTANT: The default password is: master.

2. Check license number in main screen

In the application itself you can see the license number.

In this case, the serial number is: 456789VL

utile h+

1. Open the application

Open the aplication “utile h+” (Start / char / Gestión Hospitality)

2. Ayuda > Acerca de

Go to the menu ‘Ayuda’ / ‘Acerca de’, as it is shown in the following image:

3. Check license number

A new window will be opened, displaying product information, including the license number:

In this case, the serial number is: 1234567890

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